



愛你的敵人 love your enemy

華爾街日報報導:美國運動競技事業蓬勃,世界頂尖高手都來美國大學培訓,但在北京奧運時,美國代訓的外國選手勝出,拿下至少60面金牌,有人認為政府補貼大學,大學拿錢辦事,應該辦正事(are paid to make the hard decisions),代訓敵人乃讓美國選手鼻青臉腫(black eye)之罪魁禍首(the apple of discord),此風不可長,因為美國大學貪圖外國選手繳納的區區學費,卻將頂尖知識拱手讓人,是典型的因小失大(sell one's birthright for a mess of pottages)。

雖然有人認為事態嚴重不能坐視(let things slide),但也有論者以為,競技的目的在於擇優汰劣(separate the wheat from the chaff),勝出之道在於多和高手較量(you have to surround yourself with good people),而非鎖國閉門造車,這派人士認為:平日多了解敵人,才是克敵致勝之道,這也是耶穌基督「愛你的敵人」(love your enemy)的真諦。

韓信點兵,多多益善(the more the merrier),這種自信來自無役不與,身經百戰(been around the block a few times)的歷練。孫子說「兵者,國之大事也。死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。」他特別在乎決定死生的「地」,和決定存亡的「道」,所以他補充說道:「是故方馬埋輪,未足恃也;齊勇如一,政之道也;剛柔皆得,地之理也。」在他看來,贏得金牌的選手,當然比不上掌握關於「地」和「道」知識的教練來得重要。

例:"Leaders are paid to make the hard decisions and not to waffle."「領袖的職責在於做出重要決策,而非打混過日。」

"The US team has a black eye when beaten by foreign athletes from U.S.universities."「美國隊選手被美國訓練出來的外國選手打得鼻青臉腫。」

"They believe it is the apple of discord; therefore they favor capping the percentage of international athletes on U.S. college teams to preserve a majority of opportunities for U.S. athletes."「他們認為禍源在此,解決之道便在於限制外國學員人數,以保障美國選手名額。」

"It was argued that negotiating the ECFA with China would be giving away Taiwan's national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage."「有些人認為和大陸談判ECFA會喪失台灣的主權,而至因小失大。」

"The coaches concluded the Olympic Game is the best way to separate the wheat from the chaff."「教練一致公認:奧運會是擇優汰劣的最佳場地。」

"You need surround yourself with the best people possible to find out just how much more effective you can do and achieve with the right team."「和高手共事,才能組成最佳團隊來激發自己最大潛能。」

"You must love your enemies, because you want to collect more knowledge about them."「愛你的敵人,這樣你才能充分掌握他的狀況。」


【2012/07/19 經濟日報】