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English Title:
The Tantric Revolution: The Compendium of Principles (Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-samgraha, I ch’ieh ju lai shen shih she ta che’ng hsien cheng san mei ta chiao wang ching. T. vol. 18, No. 882) and Its Role in the Early Development of Tantra in India and Tibet

主講人Seaker : Dr. Steven Weinberger 史蒂芬.溫柏格博士

口譯: 台北市藏傳佛典協會翻譯成員

時間Time: 2009年4月25日(六),下午2-4點 (April 25, 2009, 2~4pm)

地點 Location:法鼓山推廣教育中心—愛群大廈:北市忠孝東路四段124之6號7樓B室
Rm. B, 7F., No.124-6, Sec. 4, Jhongsiao E. Rd., Taipei
捷運: 板南線-忠孝復興站往東區地下街12號出口
MRT Chung-Xiao Fu-Xin Station Exit 12
主辦單位:法鼓佛教學院&台北市藏傳佛典協會 (Tibetan Text Society)
Cell: 0952-628-619
e-mail: ttslecture@gmail.com

演講主題介紹 Abstract

Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-samgraha 在唐朝被不空法師譯為《金剛頂一切如來真實攝大乘現證大教王經》,而被宋朝的施護譯為《佛說一切如來真實攝大乘現證三昧大教王經》。這次演講的焦點將擺在 Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-samgraha以及這部經在印度佛教早期密續發展所扮演的關鍵角色。透過檢視和早期密續發展的《大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經》(Mahāvairocana-sūtra)之關係以及和後期的《秘密藏密續》(Guhyagarbha)、《密集金剛根本續》(Guhyasamāja)之間的關係,顯示Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-samgraha的創新及其重要性。 內容將包含以下主題﹕以密續之語詞重新呈現釋迦牟尼佛的覺悟以及其他以密續發展為中心的新的陳述,創新的密續技巧例如本尊瑜伽以及其他牽涉暴力的修行,密續壇城的結構以及密續典籍和修行環叢之形成與架構。

This talk will focus on the Compendium of Principles (Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-samgraha) and its pivotal role in the early development of Buddhist tantra in India, looking at its innovations and importance both in relation to earlier tantric developments such as the Mahāvairocana-sūtra and in relation to later tantric developments such as the Secret Nucleus (Guhyagarbha) and Secret Assembly (Guhyasamāja) tantras. This will include topics such as the account of Śākyamuni’s enlightenment recast in tantric terms and other new narratives central to the development of tantra; innovative tantric techniques such as deity yoga and other practices involving violence; the structure of tantric mandalas; and the formation and structure of cycles of tantric texts and practices.

講者簡介 Speaker’s Introduction

Dr. Steven Weinberger是維吉尼亞大學宗教研究所研究助理教授。他於Amherst大學取得人類學學士,並於維吉尼亞大學取得西藏佛教博士學位。師事於Jeffrey Hopkins教授,博士論文主要研究早期印度和西藏密續佛教的發展。他曾在尼波爾和印度兩年,向多位西藏學僧學習。目前擔任西藏西馬拉雅電子圖書館(THDL)主任,以及國際西藏研究協會期刊(JIATS)的管理編輯。曾在維吉尼亞大學教授西藏語言課程,並且共同編輯《流利藏文》一書。同時,多年來也擔任藏文口譯。

Dr. Steven Weinberger is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia. He received his PhD in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies from the University of Virginia, where he studied under Dr. Jeffrey Hopkins. His research has focused on the early history and development of tantric Buddhism in India and Tibet. He has studied with a number of Tibetan lamas and spent almost two years in India and Nepal doing research. He is currently the manager of the Tibetan and Himalayan Library, based at the University of Virginia, and is managing editor of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies. He has taught Tibetan language courses at the University of Virginia (both spoken and literary Tibetan) and was a collaborator on Fluent Tibetan: A Proficiency Oriented Learning System. He has also served as the oral translator for teachings by various Tibetan lamas.