◎清涼聯合國 力行節能減碳
時間: 2008/08/04
撰稿‧編輯:楊明娟 新聞引據:廣電媒體 (中國時報)
由聯合國秘書長潘基文發起的「清涼聯合國」(Cool UN)活動,8月起正式在紐約總部啟動,以調整大樓的空調溫度,減少溫室氣體排放,達到節約能源目的。潘基文並以身示範,鼓勵外交官和聯合國人員輕便穿著,破除西裝革履的舊習。從8月1日起,聯合國秘書處大樓的溫度從攝氏22.2度,調高到攝氏25度,各個會議廳的溫度由攝氏21.1度,調高為攝氏23.9度,空調和通風系統在周末關閉。至於會議室比辦公室還要冷個1度多的原因是,希望大家談判時能夠「冷靜」。

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (center) and his advisors wear lighter clothing in New York on August 1. (UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe)
Ban launches "Cool UN" campaign to cut emissions

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (C), dressed in short shirt, talks to two TV reporters at his office at the UN Headquarters in New York, the United States, August 1, 2008. Ban Ki-moon launched "Cool UN" Initiative on Friday, encouraging UN staff to wear cooler attire in summer in order to reduce air conditioning costs and contribute to the environment.人民網English

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (2nd R), dressed in short shirt, attends a meeting at the UN Headquarters in New York, the United States, August 1, 2008. Ban Ki-moon launched "Cool UN" Initiative on Friday, encouraging UN staff to wear cooler attire in summer in order to reduce air conditioning costs and contribute to the environment.
"We have succeeded in moving climate change to the top of the international agenda for action, and this means that the UN must take action itself," Ban said. "We must lead by example, and if we are to ask others to take action, we must do so as well."
This marked the first time the dress code will be relaxed at the UN Headquarters. At last Decembers Bali Climate Change Conference, formal negotiations were held in more casual attire and at the upcoming climate change negotiations later this month in Accra, Ghana, conference participants have been invited to dress more comfortably.
If the experiment is successful, the initiative could be extended beyond August. During the winter months, the process could be reversed and staff and delegates could be asked to dress more warmly, which would also reduce energy consumption, emissions and heating costs.
The secretary-general has called on all parts of the UN system to take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. Several agencies, including the UN Environment Program (UNEP), the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), have moved towards becoming climate neutral.

UN Environment Program
◎今日新聞 日期:2008/08/06 00:03 國際中心/綜合報導