我要參加 我要祈福


Benefits of Vaiśravaṇa’s Profound Life Wheel and Red Zambala Wish-fulfilling Wheel






  1. Vaiśravaṇa’s Profound Life Wheel

 If one relies on Vaiśravaṇa, especially when wearing Vaiśravaṇa’s Profound Life Wheel, all Buddhas will recognize the wearer as their child and grant the wearer blessings. All Dharma protectors will uphold the wearer as as supreme and help with the activities the wearer intends. All wealth gods will perceive the wearer as master and rain down what the wearer desires. Just as fragrant flowers naturally attract honey bees, Vaiśravaṇa will constantly pay heed to wearers of Vaiśravaṇa’s Profound Life Wheel. The wearers thereby will be able to dispel all diseases, demonic disturbances, karmic obscurations; ward off harms intended by humans and non humans alike; subsequently enhance one’s health, lifespan, power and luck; all wishes will be granted without hindrances. 

Guru Rinpoche once remarked, “Vaiśravaṇa’s Profound Life Wheel is one of the incredible methods to benefit and liberate sentient beings. Anyone with devotion who wears or possesses Vaiśravaṇa’s Profound Life Wheel with deep faith will definitely reap such benefits.”





蓮師使者札昂林巴之血脈傳承、教法傳承、轉世傳承等三種傳承持有者  祖古 貝瑪仁增 書


  1. Red Zambala Wish-fulfilling Wheel

he other side of the amulet is Red Zambala Wish-fulfilling Wheel, whose benefits are immense as well. Red Zambala Wish-fulfilling Wheel is made according to the terma teachings revealed by Drag Nghag Lingpa and blessed by adequate scared substances, mantras as well as meditative equipoise under me as the guru presiding over the blessing processes. Therefore, Buddhists who come into the possession of Vaiśravaṇa’s Profound Life Wheel and Red Zambala Wish-fulfilling Wheel should, as if obtaining wish-granting jewels, joyously and respectfully wear, possess them or invite others to wear them. This way, they will receive the various benefits and accomplishments on account of the interdependent power of karmic actions. Please uphold them with respect and devotion. 

Tulku Pema Rigzin, 

lineage holder of the bloodline, teachings as well as reincarnations of Padmasambhava’s messenger, Drag Nghag Lingp

如何恭請《財神雙面命輪》How to obtain the Vaiśravaṇa’s Profound Life Wheel and Red Zambala Wish-fulfilling Wheel

  1. 網路登記 register at the website
  2. 電話申請 call and apply :  +886 0936-893-153 黃師姐 Ms. Huang



Price: 1 Wheel made by silverNTD 30000

         2 Wheel made by copper: NTD 2000

若需郵寄另加500元費用 Sending fee NTD500

付款方式 How to donation

華南銀行中崙分行  銀行代碼008  

戶名:Pema Rigzin


Hua Nan Commercial Bank



Bank address:No.145, Pateh RD., Sec.3, Taipei, Taiwan

Account Number: 116-20-053201-7

Account Name :Pema Rigzin