楊希仁波切Yangsi Rinpoche的介紹
西元1968年,楊希仁波切(Yangsi Rinpoche)誕生於尼泊爾加德滿都,六歲時被認證為阿旺根敦格西(Geshe Ngawang Gendun)的第一世轉世,格西生前在西藏西部是一位享譽盛名的學者及實修者,並且也是耶喜喇嘛、格西倫珠梭巴及許多上師的老師。仁波切說:「阿旺根敦格西是一位相當具格的學者及實修者。三大寺——色拉寺、甘丹寺及哲蚌寺皆敬重格西,格西非常具格。」
楊希仁波切,名字意思是「珍貴的轉世」,在耶喜喇嘛的帶領下,他在科盤寺住了四年,十歲開始變在南印度的色拉傑開始正是的佛法學習。仁波切入寺受傳統寺院教育有二十五年以上1995年在南印色拉傑寺(Sera Je Monastery)榮獲第一等格西學位——拉然巴格西,之後仁波切進入下密院(Gyume Tantric College)學習,完成學業,。
1998年,仁波切尤其希望能幫助西方弟子在佛法上的學習,前往西方國家廣大地弘法,行跡橫跨美洲及歐洲。仁波切曾經在美國威斯康辛州,麥迪遜的鹿野苑佛教中心(Deer Park Buddhist Center)擔任常住師長五年,近來曾擔任波多黎各,聖胡安(San Juan)的甘丹智慧林中心(Ganden Shedrup Ling Buddhist Center)精神導師,以及美國華盛頓州,西雅圖的佛法友誼基金會(Dharma Friendship Foundaiton)精神導師。仁波切目前是位在美國奧瑞岡州,波特蘭的一所新成立佛教學院——梅紀巴學院(Maitripa Insitute)院長兼教師,仁波切定期開門授課。
仁波切著有<菩提道上的修持—菩提道次第廣論釋解>( Practicing the Path: A Commentary on the Lamrim Chenmo),西元2003年由美國智慧出版社出版(註:尚無中文版)。仁波切以英文弘法,開示佛法有獨到的特色,無論到何處弘法都廣受讚嘆。仁波切除了深入地瞭解傳統佛法,還具備以現代語言弘法的才能。仁波切對西方文化很有興趣及熱誠,並且自身就是佛弟子在修行道路上智慧與慈悲雙運的清楚體現。
Yangsi Rinpoche was recognized as the reincarnation of Geshe Ngawang Gendun, a renowned scholar and practitioner from Western Tibet, at the age of six. Rinpoche trained in the traditional monastic system for over twenty-five years, and in 1995 graduated with the highest degree of Geshe Lharampa from Sera Je Monastery in South India. He then completed his studies at Gyume Tantric College, and, in 1998, having the particular wish to benefit Western students of the Buddhadharma, Rinpoche came to the West to teach and travel extensively throughout America and Europe. Rinpoche was a resident teacher at Deer Park Buddhist Center in Madison, Wisconsin for five years, and is currently the Spiritual Director of Ganden Shedrup Ling Buddhist Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Spiritual Director of Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle, Washington. Rinpoche is the author of Practicing the Path: A Commentary on the Lamrim Chenmo, published in 2003 by Wisdom Publications. Rinpoche teaches in English, and is admired wherever he travels for his unique presentation of the Dharma, his interest in and enthusiasm for Western culture, and his evident embodiment of the wisdom and compassion of the Buddhist path.
Born in Katmandu, Nepal, in 1968, Yangsi Rinpoche was recognized as the reincarnation of the Geshe Ngawang Gendum, a scholar from western Tibet, at the age of six. He trained in the monastic system for 25 years, starting his studies at age ten, and graduating in 1995 from Sera Je Monastery in South India. After completing more studies, in 1998 he came to the West. Yangsi Rinpoche (whose name means “precious reincarnation”) had the desire to teach and benefit Western students of the Buddha dharma, and since then he has traveled extensively in America and Europe.
For five years he was the resident teacher at Deer Park Buddhist Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Yangsi Rinpoche was also the Spiritual Director for Ganden Shedrup Ling Buddhist Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Recently at that center, the first group of students completed the initial phase of a two-year program of study and practice. This program is based on traditional Tibetan curriculum, but it is tailored to modern students of the Buddha dharma. Yangsi Rinpoche is President of and on the faculty at the Maitripa Institute, a new Buddhist University in Portland, Oregon, where he teaches regularly.
Yangsi Rinpoche teaches in English, and has found a ready Western audience for his unique blend of the dharma and enjoyment of Western culture. His embodiment of the compassion and wisdom of the Buddhist path is obvious to all who he comes into contact with. Rinpoche has a deep understanding of the traditional teachings and a gift for explaining them in contemporary language. He also has an understanding of Western metaphors and the Western mind.
Of his early years, Yangsi Rinpoche says he decided to become a monk when he was five years old. “In Tibetan families, every month when the new moon comes, in order to remove obstacles, we make prayers. And so monks come into our homes. I always liked to participate and join in with them. I said I would like to become a monk.” At first his parents resisted the idea but shortly thereafter, he learned he had been recognized. “One day Lama Yeshe came and brought lots of Western toys. At the same time he brought a letter from Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche saying I was recognized. These two things came together so they gave up.”
Yangsi Rinpoche is the first reincarnation of Geshe NgaWang Gendum. “He was Tibetan,” Rinpoche says. “I think he was very simple, and a very qualified scholar and practitioner. He was respected in all the three major schools—Sera, Ganden and Drepung Monasteries—he was very qualified.”
Yangsi Rinpoche is the author of Practicing the Path: A Commentary on the Lamrim Chenmo. The Lamrin Chenmo is a classic of Tibetan literature, an overview of the entire path to enlightenment and Yangsi Rinpoche’s commentary on it brings the work to light in a lively, modern manner. This book is based on the month-long teachings Rinpoche imparted to a group of Western students in Dharamsala, India a few years ago. Lama Zopa Rinpoche wrote the preface for the book.