日期:2017/08/23 喇嘛網 報導

尊貴 舉麥堪蘇仁波切 簡介:
舉麥堪蘇仁波切 上慧下慈長老(名洛桑強巴,或赤列多嘉),出生於西元1937年, 西藏首府拉薩捻辰鎮人。十歲於拉薩三大寺之一之色拉寺剃度出家,十五歲禮第九十五任甘丹赤巴敏雅頓珠仁波切座下,受沙彌戒。二十二歲禮第九十五任甘丹赤巴,尊者達賴喇嘛之親教師雍增林仁波切座下圓具比丘戒。
1959年,因中國佔據西藏,仁波切移錫印度。 其后十一年, 與藏傳佛教四教派一千五百余僧眾共住於比哈爾邦布克薩爾縣一英軍廢棄軍營。1970年,與色拉寺僧眾遷往印度西部卡納塔克邦,並依尊者達賴喇嘛付囑重建色拉寺於邁索爾市拜拉庫比區。其間道心堅固,精進苦修,於1986年完滿學業,獲格西拉然巴稱號。
1980至1989年九年間,仁波切於色拉寺教授佛法。1989年,受請任色拉寺糾察師。 1990年,於下密院(舉麥扎倉)精修密續教義,獲格西阿然巴學位。1993年,受請為下密院糾察師。 1994年1月7日,經僧眾舉薦,尊者達賴喇嘛首肯,受請為下密院喇嘛烏茲(首座/維那)。
Venerable Emeritus Abbot Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa (known as Geshe Trinley Topgye) was born in 1937 in Nyaktren, a sector of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. In 1947 at the age of 10, he gained admission to Sera Mey Monastery of the Sera Mahayana Monastic University near Lhasa – one of the three major seats of highest Buddhist studies.
In 1952, he received his novice monk vows from the late Minyag Tondues Rinpoche, the 95th Throne Holder of Gelugpa Tradition in Tibetan Buddhism. In 1959, he received the complete Bhikshu vows – the highest level of ordination – from His Eminence, the late Yongzin Ling Rinpoche, the 97th Throne Holder of Gelugpa Tradition and also senior Tutor to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Khensur Rinpoche studied in Tibet until 1959 when he fled to India after China invaded and forcefully occupied Tibet.
Rinpoche soon returned to his studies in the exiled Sera monastery, reconstructed under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and political head of the Tibetan people. From 1959-70, he resided with more than 1500 monks from four Tibetan Buddhist sects at Buxar, an old British Army camp in West Bengal. In 1970, the monks of Sera Mey relocated to Mysore district in Karnataka State in southern India.
The monks reestablished Sera Mey Monastic University in Bylakuppe. Khensur Rinpoche continued his spiritual training and studies there with his characteristic dedication and enthusiasm. In 1986, he completed the final Geshe exam and received the esteemed honor of Geshe Lharampa (equivalent to a PhD), the highest level awarded.
From 1980 to the present, Khensur Rinpoche has continued to teach at Sera Mey Monastic University. In 1989, he assumed the position of Discipline Master for one year. Then in 1990, he received the advanced degree of Ngagrampa (highest degree in Buddhist Tantra studies) from Gyumed Tantric College after extensively studying the secret teachings of the Mahayana tradition.
In 1993, Khensur Rinpoche became Discipline Master of Gyumed. Monastic leaders soon after submitted his name and that of eight other prominent Geshes to the Dalai Lama as candidates for the post of Lama Umdze (Head Lama to lead all rituals) of the Tantric College. On January 7, 1994, the Dalai Lama selected Khensur Rinpoche to serve as the Lama Umdze (Vice Abbot), and on November 12, 1996, the Dalai Lama appointed him as the honorable Abbot of the Gyumed Tantric College.
Khensur Rinpoche completed his three-year term as Abbot with dedication and success. He taught tantric studies continuously for three years and conducted numerous religious rituals and ceremonies.
On completion of his term, Khensur Rinpoche returned to his teaching position at Sera Mey Monastic University, and continues to teach sutra and tantra to students and senior Geshes. He also continues his active leadership and participation in all religious ceremonies of the monastery.
During his term as Abbot of Gyumed, Khensur Rinpoche made his first visit to the USA and Canada to conduct various religious teachings and rituals at the request of the Gyumed College administrators and western students. A considerable number of Westerners benefited from this initial tour. In 2003, he taught widely in Singapore and Malaysia.
Khensur Rinpoche is both a scholar of great knowledge and understanding, and a holder of many traditional teaching lineages. His generous presence and contributions to the Sera Mey Monastic University have proven indispensable. A living example of Buddha's teachings, he divides his time between personal meditation and practices, and teaching a growing network of Western and Tibetan students. He is highly qualified to teach on all levels of Buddhist practice and to conduct all Buddhist rituals. He currently teaches at Guhyasamaja Center in Washington, D.C., and at his newly established center in Redding, Connecticut, Do Ngak Kunphen Ling.
e world now travel to DNKL regularly to attend Rinpoche’s teachings. In addition, Rinpoche regularly visit other Buddhist centers and institutions in the US and Canada.
In 2010 DNKL in collaboration with Western Connecticut State University invited His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to Connecticut. In October 2012 Rinpoche welcomed His Holiness to Do Ngak Kunphen Ling, 65 years after he first glimpsed the revered leader at Sera Mey Monastery in Tibet. His Holiness then traveled to Danbury, where he was welcomed by thousands. He gave two public talks on the themes of “The Art of Compassion” and “Advice for Daily Life.”