日期:2009/07/06 08:54:40 喇嘛網 編輯部 報導
If you have compassion in your everyday life, you collect the most extensive merit and purify much negative karma in a very short time. Many lifetimes, many eons of negative karma get purified. That helps you realize emptiness.
Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition
The Official Homepage for
Venerable Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche
—Spiritual Director of the FPMT

Rinpoche met His Holiness in Deer Park, USA. July 2008.
Photographer Ven Roger Kunsang
Proper guru devotion – correct devotion to your virtuous friends – allows you to actualize successfully all the steps of the path to enlightenment, from the perfect human rebirth up to buddhahood itself.
Buddhism - Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition

View on Buddhism: (Tibetan) Buddhist practice and philosophy

Dharma Friendship Foundation Home Page Institut Vajra Yogini

Atisha Buddhist Centre - Welcome Lawudo Gompa - Lama Zopa Rinpoche's Nepal Retreat
The Guhyasamaja Buddhist Center for Meditation (FPMT), Washington ...
護持大乘法脈聯合會(簡稱「護聯會」) 立足於創辦人圖敦.耶舍喇嘛與導師梭巴仁波切所傳授的宗喀巴大師之格魯派傳統,藉由西藏佛教的教授、 共修、公益服務、閉關道場以及護持法脈的事業,在全球弘揚大乘佛教的教法與價值觀。